Great list of more than 60 words no Johnny but journalists misspell according to the experiences of Roy Peter Clark : acknowledgment: (The American Heritage Dictionary also permits acknowledgement, but prefers to drop that extra "e," and so do I.) acquiesce: (The "sce" ending always gives me problems, as in reminisce.) aphrodisiac: (Named after Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love. Would that make an afrodisiac something that gives you a desire to listen to "Earth, Wind and Fire"?) appropriate: (Most words beginning with an "ap" are followed by another p; so if you've got to guess, go with app ...) camaraderie: (I don't understand how we get from "comrade" to this vowely abstraction, but I learned how to spell it by following a simple consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel pattern.) carcass: (I can now spell any word that ends with -ass.) Caribbean: (You'll have to look up exotic place names, except for Lake Titicaca, of
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